Saturday, December 08, 2007

"Screw it, Just do it???"

Well, as they say, it was "lust at first sight"...the moment I saw "it" (yeah, "it", its an object of unadulterated desire)...and I guess, I am not alone, most of us would fall for it straightaway, and I was no exception. Anyways, due to other destractions, had kept away from it for a quite a while. But since coming back from the free-willed Amsterdam, the desire has been raging, restraining has become so difficult.

But doing it without "protection", as we all know, is outright stupid, in today's world. I have been hesistant to get one, but finally could get some, though the protetction is not of high quality. So far, its only been a tease, just a touch here & there, exploring it a little bit, but whenever it comes to the final level, I hold back.

I have done it only once previously, in totally different circumstances and with the best quality protection in those times, but this time its a little too risky.

It is dangerously enticing, almost as if calling me to caress it, making me feel helpless at times, at least I can't take my eyes off it anymore, but still ain't confident enough. Shall I do it or wait to get a really good quality protection?? Can do it, but the real outcome will only be known 9-12 months down the line...

Oh lord, give me strength...

Edit - Well, after a few of my frnds started to ask me about this post, I'd have to make the clarification, the 'it' refers to the resignation button in my company's peoplesoft system, rest I guess you would be able to figure out, and anyway to lazy to spell everything out :)