Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sri Jimi

Managed to attend a concert I had been waiting forever, the Jimi hendrix of Carnatic Rock, Prasanna. From Carnatic Fusion to Rock to Pure Jazz, this guy is master. And the rhythmized version of Thriller/Bad as a tribute to Michael Jackson was outlandish but brilliant.
And could finally add company to my gifted lone Prasanna CD, including an instructional DVD which hopefuly will be useful to the 'forever' beginers like me.

P.S: This guy left a cushy job post his B.Tech from IIT-Madras to pursue Music from the Berklee college of Music, he is my personal Hero.


Crazyfoetus said...

Hey I met him in IITM ... great guy... btw I like his peaceful series ... specially peaceful - the effect .. i used to play that song all the time in L...

Crazyfoetus said...

I couldn;t resist ... but u r worst than mitash with word play ... Sri Jini ko Sri Jimi bana diya :D ... oye come to blore ...

Cos2BH K said...

It definitely is SRI JIMI
And I am listening to "Peaceful" right now. And invite Led-Zep to bangalore for some AOL rock concert etc.