Sunday, February 04, 2007

It Ain't About How Hard You Hit

Well Rocky is back with Balboa and so am I after the usual long hiatus.
We seem to have a lot in common, big, like to pack a punch , and we keep coming back....only he seems to be a bit fitter.....
Anyways, watched the movie today, not planned though.....
I have seen two of the Rocky movies before and it was so long back that I can't remember which ones were they, but this one did live up to my expectations
Forcibly senti, but given the Rocky legacy, one won't mind that, Sly is pretty much at his best, though why did he chose to join the ring again is not built up as convincingly, but nevertheless the rest of the movie has been handled well.
Rocky wants to come back as he is still left with something inside, wants to let go of the beast, once & for all, so what next then after the fight? Rocky, the grandpa??

Had seen GURU coupla weeks ago, sat thro' a hindi movie for full 3 hrs after a long time.
Good performance by AB Jr. no doubt, hez come a long way definitely but I still feel it was more the director's touch. The movie holds on somehow, though it could have definitely done without the unnecessary Mallika sherawat sequence. When will hindi cinema get over this whole naach-gana sequence, damn, are we that primitive??

On the flip side, it was really disappointing to see a mature director like Mani Ratnam to have introduced a lot of characters without proper justification and then leave them in a lurch while the movie carries on. Specifically Mithun Da, who was effortlessly brilliant in whatever little footage he got (without any character justification & build-up), and Vidya balan, she seemed to be present only to show the "he has a heart too" for Guru bhai, and that she's crippled etc was a liitle to mushy. Thankfully, shez dead before it got really annoying.

What else, there seems to be some cheap cashing-on the AB-Aish pairing, certain unnecessary intimate scenes between them seem to suggest that Mani was aware of the timing of their enagagement & the relase of Guru.

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